Best Financial Reads This Week – 11 Feb 2020

My favorite article this week shows how in the past 20 years or so, the age cohort of American CEOs hasn’t changed at all (i.e. baby boomers). Stay tuned next week for an explanation of why you shouldn’t own stock in the firm you work for!

Reading List – 5 December 2019

Great example of status quo bias in an article about the flu this week. And EU privacy laws are helping a murderer wipe his history from Google. Fun stuff!

CC BY-SA 3.0,

I Ran A Marathon! Also, Here’s How to Read a Prospectus

I ran the Philly Marathon this past Sunday! It was my first, and I definitely didn’t run it fast, but I finished. I wasn’t a fan of the rain and snow at the end though. Anyway, back to business…

Many investors that I speak with have their savings invested in a combination of mutual funds. Usually, owned through tax-advantaged accounts like 401k’s and IRAs. This is a good way to invest, although I often notice investors don’t know what fees they are paying. This is an intentional feature of the mutual fund market, unfortunately. Mutual fund providers must provide certain cost information in a prospectus, but many providers intentionally make this information inaccessible.

Continue reading “I Ran A Marathon! Also, Here’s How to Read a Prospectus”

Reading List – 14 November 2019

The most important financial news of the past two weeks is that scientists have discovered that Jackson Pollock’s technique cleverly avoided a characteristic of fluid dynamics that leads to unwanted curly tails on paint pourings. Finance!

Source: Plos One. Pollock avoided hydrodynamic instabilities to paint with his dripping technique.
Bernardo Palacios, Alfonso Rosario, Monica M. Wilhelmus, Sandra Zetina, Roberto Zenit.

You Can’t Beat the Market and You Should Stop Trying

Here are some common questions I get asked as a financial adviser. What’s your system? What’s your investment strategy? Do you focus on market timing or relative value? How do you plan to outperform the market?

These questions are natural. Investors want to understand what advisers are doing with their money. But in a way, these questions demonstrate a lot of the misconceptions about what exactly counts as success in retirement saving.

You shouldn’t try to beat the market. Instead, investors should actually aspire to equaling the market return. Let’s take a look at why.

Continue reading “You Can’t Beat the Market and You Should Stop Trying”

Extra Spooky Reading List – 30 October 2019

OK fine, this reading list is not spooky. But it’s still really good. Google posts a 23% decline in profit! And a very interesting piece by Tyler Cowen on the game theory dynamic going on between President Trump and Senator McConnell. Lots of aspects I hadn’t thought about at all.

Colonel Vindman at President Volodymyr Zelensky’s inauguration

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Wednesday Reading List – 16 October 2019

Two articles this week on how investing is hard– one about why rich people are bad at it and one about how everyone is bad it. Fun!

Wednesday Reading List – 25 September 2019

An extra long list this week to catch up after Hurricane Dorian. Favorite quote this week: “Thus, accumulating evidence shows that over-representation of males in STEM fields is perhaps better framed as under-representation of males in reading fields and the latter is driven by relatively low reading achievement among males.”