Great example of status quo bias in an article about the flu this week. And EU privacy laws are helping a murderer wipe his history from Google. Fun stuff!
- The “Right to be Forgotten” doubles back and shoots the shark. Volokh Conspiracy. Wow! So now EU privacy laws are responsible for something even worse than cookie popups everywhere.
- Why doesn’t the flu freak us out more? Futurity. File this one under “Cognitive Biases: Status Quo Bias”. Same reason why people aren’t deathly afraid of riding in cars.
- Trump Didn’t Shrink U.S. Military Commitments Abroad—He Expanded Them. Foreign Affairs. In my private life I’ve frequently tempered my criticism of President Trump by saying something along the lines of, “But I like that he’s bringing troops home.” I guess that’s just a myth?
- Big Calculator: How Texas Instruments Monopolized Math Class. Medium. Isn’t this supposed to be impossible in a market economy? What prevents competition here?
- How Not To Die. Paul Graham. Personally inspirational.